
Shriners Circus

Well we debated whether Elle was too young for the circus or not. Whether or not the clowns would freak her out or if she would lose interest quickly, but it was great! We went with some of our close friends and Elle was spoiled from cotton candy, to snow cones. Her favorite part was the ribbon gymnasts. There were elephants, stunt men, acrobats, motorcyclists, tigers, and much more. We ended up leaving a little bit early because of the smell of grease and the heat were a little much toward the end, especially for me (pregnant lady), but I am really glad we went.



  1. Look how fabulous you look!!!! You can't even tell you are prego in this picture. Did Elle get to ride the elephants?

  2. So much fun! I'll bet she loved the circus! I'm so glad you get to do such fun things together. I'm so excited to see you soon!

  3. Oh how fun, I would love to take Callie to the circus!

  4. That looks like it was a lot of fun. I wish we could have made it. Next time for sure1

  5. Hope you guys had fun at Disney World! Post some pics when you get back. Love ya!
