
April in the Eaton household

Since the weather has been SOOO nice, we've spent alot of time outside this month. Alot of bike riding, jumping on the tramp, swinging on the swing set. Its been so refreshing to be able to go outside and let the kids play. We are, at the moment, in the process of closing on our house. We put it up about a month back to give us a few years to sell, because lets be honest, NOTHING is moving here. We got three offers within the first week and one offer was full price. We were ecstatic! But now its been kind of crazy trying to find a rental for the next few years, pack our house, James has had boards (which he did excellent on, I'm so proud of him). We found a house in a really good neighborhood, but is across town so we will be leaving our ward and some good friends behind. They won't be too far away, but far enough we probably won't be seeing them as often. The school Elle will start kindergarten is supposed to be amazing though and it makes all this moving worth it. Also, Renee (james's oldest sister) just bought a  house in that same area and so we will be having lots of family dinners at their house, right renee? hah.
 Jack rides around Elle's old barbie bike. Its so funny and reminds me of James's childhood stories about riding on his sister's trike because that's all he had to ride. I'm glad they don't care at this age.

He definitely doesn't mind getting dirty and plays in the mud almost everytime we go outside.

Elle wasn't feeling well this night and mostly just hung out with me on our lawn chairs.

Basketball is one of Jack's favorite new pastimes and I must say he is getting pretty darn good. Watch out Michael Jordan.


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