
Easter Sunday

We went and visited James's parents for Easter Sunday. It was lots of fun to just hang out with the family. We ate Turkey and ham and lots of other delicious food. We also celebrated my 25th Bday this past week. I can't believe I am half way to 30, wow! Kind of crazy. I definitely have had more self discovery the past 5 years than I ever have had so its been good:) I am so grateful for my family and for Jesus Christ on this Easter Sunday. Here are some pictures from our Easter day.

     James really really wanted me to take a picture of this cricket he caught. Sometimes he reminds me of     a little  boy;) 

 Elle and 3 of her cousins that live in Memphis

 My country husband, with no shoes on...

 James's youngest sister, Charity, and Papaw Litton

 Elle and her cousin Will. I think they look like they could be siblings.
Dont you love this pose? James told her to pose for the camera, and this is what she gave me???


  1. That pose is so funny! They are all such cute kids. We feel blessed to live close to them!

  2. gosh i think i might die! Her dress and shoes are SO CUTE! Her hair is so long, she's so grown up! I miss you guys! I wish we lived closer :(

    haha, that cricket is pretty hilarious. James and Taylor would get along VERY well ;)

  3. Looks like you had a fun time with the Eatons for easter. Sometimes it makes me want to move out to Tennessee just to have them for family too! I'm glad you posted. It is so good to see what you are up to!

  4. I love the pictures! Especially the cricket.
