Josie Gwen arrived on Sept 2, 2014 at 5:45 pm. She came about 3 weeks early, completely unexpected. I had been driving to a chiropractor appointment (to hopefully encourage baby J to flip because she had been breach since week 28) when I was rear ended by a sweet lady with a 4 year old little boy. I felt really bad because her little boy seemed to be shaken up a little bit and the mom seemed to be on her way to work. I was very thankful that my children weren't with me. I called my OB's office to make sure they wouldn't want me to come in and be checked out. I didn't really feel like it was that big of a deal, but you never know, and it was better to be safe than sorry. I arrived at around 11:00 am to my hospital and they hooked up the monitors to keep track on contractions and baby J's heartbeat. For some reason her heartbeat would drop sporadically while I had a contraction. I had been having contractions on and off for the past month or two. Anyway, Doc J came in and basically told me it was go time around 5. We had to take her by C-section, because she was too worried about how Baby J would do if she had to labor through a vaginal delivery if she was already having heart drops with minimal contractions. I was extremely anxious since my last three children were born vaginally. Everything went smoothly, the anesthesiologist was by my head the entire time as well as my husband, both encouraging and monitoring me and then there she was. My beautiful baby girl weighing a whopping 8 lbs 1 oz at 36.5 weeks. She was amazing and healthy and I couldn't feel more blessed that everything was fine. I don't know how I missed getting pictures at the hospital (I know bad mom)...but I was just so exhausted, trying to figure out how to recover and deal with pain after a csection rather than my previous births. My husband had just started working for another Dentist a few days a week and we really needed the money, so he was only able to up at the hospital a few times and my mom had my children, so there you have pics. Sorry Josie Babe, we made up for it with your newborn pics. Plus you are the fourth child. Its to be expected right?!
We blessed our sweet baby a few weeks later when James parents and sister could make it down from Tennessee.

We blessed our sweet baby a few weeks later when James parents and sister could make it down from Tennessee.